2022 Land N Sea / Paynes Marine Catalog

Items are stocked in our warehouses based on regional demand. If an item is not in stock at a local warehouse, additional charges may apply. GENERAL BOATING WATERSPORTS & bOATS SEATING COVERS/TOPS MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL HARDWARE PLUMBING PROPS & aNODES FUEL ELECTRONICS & NAVIGATION SAFETY TROLLING & fISHING ANCHORING/ mOORING TRAILERING PAINT VENTILATION FASTENERS STEERING ENGINE SAFETY 180 New safety feature now included in all kits containing 12 gauge launchers. Including our most popular kits Super 6 Super 12 www.cilexplosives.com Don’t forget consumer mail-in rebates included in our Super-6 and Super-12 kits! 12 Gauge launcher with safety lock New safety feature now included in all kits containing 12 gauge launchers. Including our most popular kits Super 6 Super 12 www.cilexplosives.com Don’t forget consumer mail-in rebates included in our Super-6 and Super-12 kits! New saf ty feature now included in all kits containing 12 gauge launchers. Including our most popular kits Super 6 Super 12 www.cilexplosives.com Don’t forget consumer mail-in r bates included n our Super-6 and Super-12 kits! New safety feature now inclu ed i all kits contai ing 12 gauge launchers. Including our most opular kits Super 6 Super 12 w.cilexplosives.com Don’t forget consumer ma l-in rebates inclu ed in our Super-6 and Super-12 kits! New safety feature now included in all kits containing 12 gauge launchers. Including our most popular kits Super 6 Super 12 www.cilexplosives.com Don’t forget consumer mail-in rebates included in our Super-6 and Super-12 kits! 12 Gauge l ncher with safety lock Item# Pack 891-52162 1 Our trigger ignition system allows you to hold the rocket and safely launches a high powered aerial signal 300 metres (1000') into the air. The bright 30,000 candlepower meteor stays aloft and burns for 40 seconds. SOLAS, USCG, and TC approved. No minimum quantity. RED PARACHUTE SOLAS FLARE Item# Case 891-C12TB6 3 •  12 Gauge pistol launcher with bandolier •  Six 12 gauge red meteor twin •  For boats up to 9 meters Sold in case quantities only. TWIN BASIC 6 KIT Item# Pack Case 891-C12T3PK 3 6 891-C12T6PK 6 6 •  12 Gauge meteor twin •  7 Second burn time •  500' Altitude •  16,000 Candlepower Sold in case quantities only. TWIN 12 GAUGE RED METEORS Signal Flare Kits Item# Case 891-594 6 Our economical option to be compliant with Transport Canada requirements. Contains 6 hand held red flares packaged in a sealed plastic bag. Average burn time: 3 minutes each, 18 minutes total. Brightness: 700 candelas. 6 TYPE-C Signals. Sold in case packs only. ECONO 6 KIT Item# Case 891-SUPER6 2 3 Twin aerial flares wlauncher and 3 handheld red flares stored in a floatable waterproof bag. 3 TYPE-B and 3 TYPE-C. Sold in case packs only. SUPER 6 KIT Includes: 6 alerter aerial flares, 6 locator handheld flares, a gun and a floating bag. Item# 891-SUPER12 Sold in case quantities only. SUPER 12 ALERT/SURVIVOR KIT Item# 891-CULTIAL Exceeds Transport Canada minimum requirements for boats over 9m. 12-Gauge Launcher and Bandolier. (6) 12-Gauge twin aerial flares. (6) Handheld red flares. (1) Orange smoke signal. (1) Fluorescent Dye Marker. (2) Whistles with hanging lanyard. (1) 12 Hours green lightstick. Packed in a Heavy-duty, waterproof case that floats. 6 TYPE-B, 6 TYPE-C and 1 TYPE-D signals. ULTIMATE ALERT LOCATOR KIT