MARINE Parts & Accessories 2024 Contact us for current pricing and availability Thousands of Marine Accessories and Replacement Parts For All Your Boating Needs
NUMERIC INDEX ALPHA INDEX ELECTRONICS & NAVIGATION GENERAL BOATING SAFETY WATERSPORTS & BOATS TROLLING & FISHING SEATING ANCHORING/MOORING COVERS / TOPS TRAILERING MAINTENANCE PAINT ELECTRICAL VENTILATION HARDWARE FASTENERS PLUMBING STEERING PROPS & ANODES ENGINE FUEL TABLE OF CONTENTS No portion of this catalog may be reproduced or copied without written permission. Please note pricing may change without notice. The content in this catalog is correct to the best of our knowledge but is subject to change. We are not responsible for typographical errors, omissions, or any other errors regarding content, selection, pricing or description. Each year we proudly introduce new items into our diverse line of marine parts and accessories. Look for this icon and the BLUE item numbers to see what’s NEW for 2024!
These brands take a leading role in our ACES strategy of Autonomy, Connectivity, Electrification and Shared access to provide exceptional recreational experiences. Defining, creating, and innovating the future of recreational boating with advanced design, technology and innovation. NAVICO Group Look for the different Brunswick Companies throughout our Catalog.
ALPHA INDEX ALPHA INDEX I01 2-Cycle Oil 1498-1499, 1504 303 Cleaning Products ...............................619, 621, 630-631, 633, 637 4-Cycle/4-Stroke Oil 1500-1504, 1506-1507 A Access Plates 1029-1031 Accumulator Tanks 1130-1131 Acetone 731, 733 Acme Propellers 1279, 1310 Acrylic Putty 696 Adapters Auxiliary Motor Steering 1264-1265 Buffing Pad 603-604 Garden Hose 1172 Gearcase Filler 1489 RV Power 884 Shore Power 865, 870-872, 875-876 Steering Cable 1226 Trailer Harness 597-598 Waste Pumpout 1209 Additives Diesel 1520, 1524-1525 Fuel 1517, 1519-1522, 1524-1525 Oil 1515 Resin 693 West System 689 Adhesive Cleaners 695, 732 Removal Discs 686 Removers 176, 695, 732 Adhesives Bellows 1484 Carpet 147 Caulk 706 Contact 147, 694-695 Decal 176 Epoxy 688-689, 696-697, 797 Flooring 147 Foam 695 Gasket 1535-1536 Polyurethane 706-708 Sealant 705-707, 1536 Sealants 707 Silicone 705-707 Spray 695 Trim 695 Adjusters Fender Line 443-445, 1039, 1080 Hatch 1028 Windshield 513 Windshield Vent 1090 Aerator Kits 349, 1152, 1154 Pumps 349-353, 1119, 1125, 1150-1155 Timer Switches 349-350 Valves 355 Aerator Accessories Air Venturi Kits 355 Drain Valves 356-357, 1155-1156 Fill Valves 356 Fittings 353 Overflow Drain Tubes 354, 356 Plumbing Kits 353, 355 Pumps 350-353, 1119, 1125, 1150-1155 Spray Heads 353-355 Strainers 353, 355-356 Water Pickups 356 Air Filters 1431 Fresheners 635 Horns 189-190, 193-194 Hose 1182, 1185, 1377, 1380 Pressure Gauges 271 Pumps 269-271, 1508 Air Conditioners & Accessories 1022-1023 Descaler 1516 Hose 1187 Pumps 1024, 1128-1129 Air Guns 731 AIS Antennas 117 AIS Receivers 50 AK-1 Life Jackets 208 Alarm Systems Bilge 203, 1116 Carbon Monoxide 203-204 Engine Warning 987 Security 143 Smoke 204 Smoke & Fire 203 Alarms Engine 1376 Alcohol Denatured 732-734 Alkaline Batteries 824 All Purpose Cleaners 610-612, 614, 638-639 All-Around Lights 813-822 Alligator Clips 931 Alternators 894-895, 1468-1471 Aluminum Cleaners & Polishes 604, 627-630 Clear Coat 739 Repair Sticks 697 AM/FM Antennas 120-122 AM/FM Extension Cables 130, 929 Amazing Roll-Off 611 Ammeters 907, 957, 982 Anchor Buddies 453 Lights 813-822 Shade 493 Anchor Accessories Anchor Lines 453-454 Bow Rollers 419-421 Chain Protector 423 Chain Stoppers 421 Chain, Bulk 423 Chocks 422 Lifts 401 Locks 419-420 Marker Buoys 229, 431-432 Rail Mounts 422 Retrievers 424-425 Rodes 405 Safety Strap 421 Seizing Wire 425, 1091 Shackles 425-427, 1091-1093 Swivels 406, 428 Tensioners 421 Trolley Kits 424 Winches 401 Windlasses & Winches 401-405 Anchors Beach 413 Box 410 Claw 410 Danforth 408 Danforth Style 406-410 Delta 411 Fortress 406, 408 Grapnel 411-413 Hi-Tensile 408 Kits 406-407 Mooring 429 Mushroom 412, 429 Navy 410 Plow 411 PWC 412-413 Richter 412 River 412 Rocna 411 Screw 413 Sea Anchors 413 Shallow Water 414, 416-417 Slip Ring 406-408, 410 Waterspike 409 Angle Brackets 1060 Anodes Acorn Nut 1340 Beneteau 1340 Bow Thruster 1344 Caterpillar 1341 De-Icer 1344 Donut 1339 Force 1348
ALPHA INDEX I02 ALPHA INDEX Frigoboat 1343 Generator 1341 GM 1341 Grouper 1343 Honda 1330, 1334, 1348 Hot Water Heater 1148 Hull 1332, 1341-1343, 1347 J/E 1348 Jet Drive 1332, 1344 Keel 1343 Line Cutters 1340 Mercury .........1330-1331, 1333-1337, 1339, 1344-1348 Mermaid 1343 Nissan/Tohatsu 1349 OMC 1334, 1348-1349 Pencil 1341 Prop Nut 1339-1340 Shaft 1332, 1338-1339 Strainer 1344 Suzuki 1331, 1335, 1349 Tear Drop 1343 Trim Tab & Rudder 1331, 1339, 1344 Volvo 1331, 1335-1336, 1349-1350 Yamaha 1331, 1336, 1351-1352 Yanmar 1344 Antenna Accessories Cable 126, 129-130, 929 Cable Outlets 127-128, 930, 951 Clips 124 Coaxial Switch 126 Connectors 129, 929 Extensions 126 Mounts 123-126 Testers 126 Wire Covers 127, 1014 Antennas AIS 117 AM/FM 88, 97, 120-122 Cellular 122 Radar 13-14, 39, 48, 53, 55-56 Sirius/XM Satellite 14, 121 SSB 120 TV 115-116 VHF 117-120 WiFi 122 Anti-Corrosion Grease 1161, 1532 Spray 628, 1532 Anti-Fouling Paint Inflatable Boat 739 Interlux 763-765 Pettit 789, 791, 793 Seachoice 763 Seahawk 798, 800-801 Transducer 739 Underwater Light 859 Anti-Freeze 1525-1527 Anti-Freeze Drum Pumps 1526 Anti-Seize Lubricants 1518-1519 Anti-Siphon Valves 1575 Antifreeze Fuel Line 1520 Appliance Vents 169 Appliance Parts 169 Water Heater 1147-1148 Appliances Ice Makers 167 Refrigerators 168-169 Applicators Spray Bottles & Heads 614 Aqua-Kem Toilet Chemical 1207 Arm Rests 371, 374 Ashtrays 148 Asphalt & Tar Removers 611, 644-645, 695 Automatic Transmission Fluid 1515 Autopilots Garmin 16-18 Lowrance 39 Minn Kota 302 Raymarine 49, 1094-1095 Seastar 1241, 1357 Simrad 56 Auxiliary Motor Electronic Steering & Control 1265-1266 Steering 1263-1266 Tie Bars 1263-1265 Awlgrip Paint & Accessories ..............................615, 660, 698, 758-762, 773 Topside Paint 752-753, 755, 757-758 Varnishes 761 Axles, Springs & Parts, Trailer 526-528 B Baby Snaps 1070, 1072 Backpack Coolers 142, 171 Backpacks 142-143, 171, 267-268 Bags Fillet 357 Life Jacket Storage 208-209 Shore Power 877 Bailer Sponges 660-661 Bait Bait/Filet Tables & Acc. 164 Jars 359 Knives 357 Tanks 348 Baitwell Accessories Air Pumps 349 Air Venturi Kit 355 Control Valves 355 Drain Plugs 1214 Drain Valves 356-357, 1155-1156 Fill Valves 356 Fittings 353 Lights 348, 836, 851 Overflow Drain Tubes 354, 356 Oxygenators 353 Plumbing Kits 353, 355 Pumps 349-353, 1024, 1119, .......................................1125, 1128, 1150-1155 Spray Heads 353-355 Strainers 353, 355-356 Timer Switches 349-350 Water Conditioners 353 Water Pickups 356 Ball Joints 1259-1260 Ball Mounts 561 Ball Valves 1158, 1161, 1163-1164, 1574 Ballast Pumps 1127 Balmar Charging Systems 894-895 Barbeque Grills & Accessories ..............................................141, 158-166, 1079 Barnacle Removers 1516 Barrel Bolts 1056-1059 Bases Light 815, 817 Rail 1068-1069 Seat 386-387, 391-398 Table 361-363 Basin Faucets 1134, 1136-1139, 1142 Batteries Alkaline 824 Coin 824 Starting & Deep Cycle 911-914, 916 Battery 879 Boxes 314, 917-918 Cable 923, 928-929 Charger Inlets 891, 894, 954 Chargers 879, 882-889, 891-894, 898, 900 Cleaners 922 Clips 931 Isolators 898-900 Lugs 940-941 Meters 314, 906 Monitors 879, 886, 907-909, 953, 957, 1007 Optimization Systems 886 Straps 920, 1560 Switches 884, 898, 900-906 Terminal Blocks 920 Terminal Brush 922 Terminal Cleaners 922 Terminal Covers 921-922, 963
ALPHA INDEX ALPHA INDEX I03 Terminal Protector 922 Terminals 311, 920-921, 963 Trays 917-919 Battery Boxes & Trays 917-918 Beach Anchors 413 Beach Balls 269 Beach Towels 267 Bearing Protectors & Dust Caps 535-537, 539 Bearings Cutless 1315 Trailer 538 Bedding Compounds 797 Bellows Adhesives 1484 Exhaust 1484-1485 Shift Cable 1484-1485 U-Joint 1484-1485 Belts Serpentine 1417 Beverage Glasses 153 Holders 135, 148-152 Tumblers 151 Bilge Alarms 203, 1116 Blower Hose 1189-1190 Blowers 1015-1016 Cleaners 641 Filtration Systems 1513 Heaters 1025 Pumps 350-351, 1117, 1119, 1121-1125, ............................1143-1144, 1153, 1155, 1210 Bilge Pump Accessories Brackets 1124 Check Valves 1124 Float Switches 1116, 1125-1126 Hose 1180-1181, 1184, 1188-1189, 1380 Hose Adapters 354, 1124 Installation Kits 1116 Strainers 1124, 1157 Switch Panels 1115-1116 Switches 1115-1116 Wire 924, 927 Bimini & T-Top Lights 834 Bimini Top Hardware & Accessories Ball & Socket Fittings 499 Deck Hinges 502-503 Eye Ends 499-501 Eye Straps 499, 1076-1077 Jaw Slides 499, 501-502 Quick Release Pins 504, 1095-1096 Repair Tape 485 Snap Fastening Tool 505 Snaps 499, 507, 1071-1072 Straps 498 Support Poles 498 Thumb Screws 499, 504 Top Slides & Parts 503-504 Bimini Tops 493-497 Binding Lubricant 226 Binocular Holders & Racks 135 Bio-Kleen Cleaning Products .......608, 610, 615, 622, 625-628, 632, 638, 641 Bird Deterrents 19 Black Streak Removers 610, 626 Bleeder Hose 1191, 1579 Blow Out Plugs & Hoses 1526 Blower Hose 1189-1190 Boarding Handles 1039, 1080 Ladders 1080-1082 Mats 147, 1079 Steps 1080 Boat Awning Poles 493, 1093 Care Kits 608-609 Cushions 207 Dollies 279-280, 737 Fenders 430, 432-441 Guides 515-516 Hook Handles 182, 358, 668-670 Hook Holders 183, 818, 1078 Hook/Paddles 183-184, 666 Hooks 180-182, 665-666, 668 Lifting Jacks 737, 1362 Lifts 459 Mirrors 228 Stands 734-737 Wash 614-615, 617-618, 620, 623, 638, 762 Boat Cover Accessories Repair Tape 485 Snap Extensions 485, 507 Supports 483-485 Tie Downs 485 Vents 484 Boat Covers 475-482 Boat Lift Storage Nets 142, 459 Body Boards 225 Body Fillers 693, 697 Boeshield T-9 Lubricant 1533 Bolts Barrel 1056-1059 Carriage 1103, 1107 Eye 1075-1076 Hex Head 1103, 1105, 1107, 1111 Lag 1101, 1107 Lug 535 Ring 1075 Shackle 528 Strut 1108 U-Bolts 522-523, 527 Boning Knives 358 Books Log & Note 131 Pilot & Tide 131 Service/Repair 1353 Boots Battery Terminal 921-922 Cable 1261-1262 Circuit Breaker 985 Fender 441-442 Motorwell 1262-1263 Spreader 1097 Switch 989-990, 996-997, 999-1002 Bottle Openers 148 Bottom Cleaners 182, 610, 624-626 Bottom Paint Interlux 763-765 Pettit 789, 791, 793 Seachoice 763 Seahawk 798, 800-801 Bow Chocks 1044 Eyes 1044-1045 Handles 1066 Ladders 570 Lights 804-808, 814 Roller Scuff Protectors 521 Thrusters & Accessories 1266 Box Anchors 410 Boxes Battery 314, 917-919 Collector 1013 Dock 460-461 Electrical Receptacle 866, 871-872 Electronics 73-74, 1033 Glove 135 Packing 1314 Storage 142 Tackle 347 Braces Refrigerator 152 Brackets Anchor 422 Angle 1060 Footrest 1079 License Plate 594 Life Ring 203 Motor Support Trailer 580-581 Outboard Motor 279, 1359-1362 Rail 141, 1079 Table 1061 Trailer 524 Trailer Bunk 523-524 Trailer Roller 519, 521-522 Trailer Tie Down 578 Trolling Motor Transducer 311