2024 Land N Sea / Paynes Marine Catalogue

1067 GENERAL BOATING WATERSPORTS & BOATS SEATING COVERS/TOPS MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL HARDWARE PLUMBING PROPS & ANODES FUEL ELECTRONICS & NAVIGATION SAFETY TROLLING & FISHING ANCHORING/ MOORING TRAILERING PAINT VENTILATION FASTENERS STEERING ENGINE ITEM NUMBERS IN RED ARE HAZARDOUS ITEMS IN BLUE ARE NEW ] SEA VALUE v OVERSIZED dCOURIER SURCHARGE ANODES Item# Description Material List 194-CMV16 875810Z Ring Zinc 11.79 EA 194-CMV15 875809Z Ring Zinc 10.19 EA 194-CMV17 875806-4 Med Ring Zinc 14.39 EA 194-CMV18 875815-3 Lrg Ring Zinc 27.19 EA 194-CM3854130Z Gimbal Plate SX Drive Zinc 37.19 EA 194-CM3855411Z Trans Plate SX Drive Zinc 47.59 EA 194-CM823661Z Pencil Anode Zinc 14.99 EA 194-CM832598Z Transom plate Zinc 29.89 EA 194-CM838929Z Pencil Anode Zinc 8.39 EA 194-CM852835Z Anode Bar Zinc 34.59 EA 194-CM872793Z Transom Triangle Zinc 15.19 EA 194-CM3863206Z DPH/DPR Cavitation Plate Zinc 25.29 EA 194-CM875812Z Saildrive Ring Zinc 39.59 EA 194-CM875821Z Duo Prop ring Zinc 31.59 EA 194-CMV18A 875815-3 Lg Ring Aluminum 26.49 EA 194-CM3854130A Gimbal Plate SX Drive Aluminum 33.19 EA 194-CM3855411A Transom Plate SX Drive Aluminum 30.29 EA 194-CM832598A Transom plate Aluminum 21.99 EA 194-CM852835A Anode Bar Aluminum 29.99 EA 194-CM875821A Duo Prop ring Aluminum 29.99 EA 194-CMV18M 875815-3 Lrg Ring Magnesium 23.29 EA 194-CM832598M Transom plate Magnesium 26.19 EA 194-CM852835M Anode Bar Magnesium 30.89 EA 194-CM875821M Duo Prop ring Magnesium 29.19 EA Aluminum for salt and brackish water Magnesium for fresh water Zinc for salt water VOLVO ANODES CM875812 CM3863206 CM875821 CM832598 CM823661 CM838929 CM852835 CM872793 CM3855411 CM3854130 CMV15, 16, 17 CMV18 Always check propeller clearance after installing new trim tab anodes. Aluminum for salt and brackish water, magnesium for fresh water, zinc for salt water. Item# Description Material Case List 194-CM3588745Z SX-A/ DPS Transom Bar Zinc 30 31.69 EA 194-CM3841427Z SX-A/ DPS Transom Shield Zinc 20 20.59 EA 194-CM3883728Z DPS Drive Gearhouse Zinc 20 22.69 EA 194-CM3593881Z IPS Drive In-take Zinc 40 40.89 EA 194-CM851983Z Sail Drive 120 Ring Zinc 24.89 EA 194-CM22651246Z Sail Drive 130/ 150 Split Ring Zinc 8 85.39 194-CM3861634A XDP-B Drive Block Alum. 36 22.39 EA 194-CM3861636A XDP-B Drive Ring Alum. 72 17.29 EA 194-CM873395M SX-A/ DPS Block Mag. 40 27.59 EA 194-CM3841427M SX-A/ DPS Transom Shield Mag. 24 39.49 EA 194-CM3883728M DPS Drive Gearhouse Mag. 20 40.69 EA 194-CM40005875M IPS Drive Transom Bar Mag. 6 215.89 EA VOLVO PENTA™ ANODES CM3861634 CM851983 CM3861636 CM873395 CM40005875 CM3593881 CM3883728 CM3588745 CM3841427 Item# Fits Material Case List 70-875821 Duo Prop Zinc 5 41.99 EA VOLVO OUTDRIVE ANODES